MyWorryStone brings an ancient practice of reflexology to your mobile device!
Use a virtual worry stone to wipe worries from your mind and see the worry fade before your eyes.
Worry stones ease the nervousness of a stressful situation and soothe anxiety. Rubbing an object with your thumb releases endorphins to enter a state of calmness and focus. Popular toys like fidget spinners, cubes, and stress balls use similar patterns to deter negative or distracting thoughts.
Step 1. Identify your worry
Write out your worry and define its intensity; A somewhat counter-intuitive idea, but studies have demonstrated expressive writing helps to reduce rumination and can improve exam scores (
Step 2. Set your worry's intensity
How worrisome is your worry? Your worry will take longer to wipe away the more worrisome it is.
Step 3. Select your stone
Will it be the calming rhythmic frequencies of Amethyst or the mysterious transformative properties of Labradorite? Choose between five (5) types of stone.
Step 4. (S)wipe away
Simple tasks or even slight movement can disrupt negative thinking and liberate critical working memory. Rub your display to feel the smoothness of a polished river rock; watch as your worry fades away.
Complete! Reward through inspiration
An inspirational quote to combat worrying will be rewarded as your worry has been faded.
> Five (5) stones to choose from (more to be added)
> Worry intensity bar to adjust wipe worry difficulty
> Automatically save worry wipe progress to continue later
> Number of wiped worries counter
> Inspirational quote reward after every worry
> Internet connection not required
> 100% free
> No ads!
User requests wish list:
Option to disable vibration
Sound to notify your worry has been wiped
Please send your wished for features to